Monday, October 24, 2011


Quicksand is an idea I've been thinking of for a while now. Everyone knows about the literal quicksand, the earth that sucks you in and the harder you fight the more you sink. The metaphorical quicksand entails the sand same thing. Say your playing a game and one thing goes wrong, then another, and another. The more you fight the worst it gets. No matter what you do or how hard you try things just keep getting worse and worse. Before you know it, you in way over your head, drowning like quicksand. This idea also works in school, especially college. For example, you miss a day due to being sick, going to the doctor, what ever, and you fall behind. The next thing you know your trying to catch up. Then a paper is due for another class, and you have lab midterm to study for. Ontop of that your anatomy test is coming up. You stay up all night studying and working. Thinking you have it under control but before you know it your sinking lower and lower. It seems the classes your doing good in your work on and do better, but the classes you struggle in just seem to be getting worse and worse. At some point you feel as if you can't get back into it, that you are way to far behind to catch up. That is false. You can always improve your grade and always do better. I've found the best way to beat quicksand is to catch it early. Don't let yourself fall behind, or in a game when one thing goes wrong step up to the adversity and beat it. The fact is your always in control of how the outcome is and no matter how impossible you think it is you can always over come in. In conclusion, momentum works both ways. If your working out and running everyday, going to class and doing homework everyday, and doing all the things you need to do and should do it become easier to do the things more often. Also, it makes you make the right decisions in other situations like not going out and partying but staying in and getting rest because you have an early class the next day. In contrast, if you make all the wrong decision, it makes it easier to make those again and not to do the right thing.

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