Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Coming into college I had been told by numerous people what it was going to be like, what I should expect, and how tought it was going to be compared to highschool. My teachers always told me how hard college was and how demanding. My parents told me their experiences in highschool and how tough their classes and teachers were. Honestly I was intimidated by what was said and also the staggering statistics i heard about how many people enroll in college and how many people drop out. IT reminds me of what my dad told me, "When I went to college my dad dropped me off infront with two duffle bags and a calculator. When I went to the freshman orientation my dean told me to look to my left and look to my right, and those people won't be graduating with me". That really caught my attention, I was so affraid that I was going to fail or let my family down. Once I got to T.L.U, I realized it wasn't so scary and I shouldn't worry so much.I figured out that this college isnt just a school but a community. That everyone here is nice, respectful, and good people. When I met my teachers I found out that they weren't those scary professors I had heard about and read about. That they were really cool people that had the same interests and goals that I did, to graduate. I know that I had started down a long and challenging road, but I know that with the help and encouragement from my family and friends that I can do anything. That there is nothing I can't face and nothing I can't accomplish. It all goes back to "Unlocking the possibilities", which didn't teach me what I can do and how I can do it, but making me realize something that I already knew. I have to give credit to all those people that help me get where I am today. The same people that have seen me through thick and thin, the same people that will always be there for me no matter what happens. Even if I don't succeed in college that they will support me and continue to encourage me in the further of my education or anything I plan to do. I am very anxious and very excited for what my future holds instore for me, and how this college is going to shape the man that I am going to be in the future.

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